During the 2016 Academy Awards, Google’s mobile operating system Android aired their latest animated advert entitled ‘Be Together, Not the Same’ for the first time. With its anti-bullying message, it was an immediate hit with viewers and was even described as ‘the real winner of the Oscars.’

The 90-second clip set to John Parr’s epic eighties hit Set Elmo’s Fire (Man in Motion) features traditional enemies rock, paper and scissors, from the children’s game of the same name, being bullied – the metaphor could hardly be clearer. However, in this case the rules have been changed: rather than bullying each other, the characters are being bullied by their own kind.

For instance, the advert opens with an anthropomorphic piece of paper on its first day at school. The hallway is lined with similarly anthropomorphic scissors staring back at it menacingly. Understandably, it is fearful and walks timidly past them with its eyes averted, only to bump into three fellow pieces of paper who turn out to be the real bullies.

Luckily, however, a scissors intervenes, scaring them away, and they become friends. Walking home, they come across two rocks bullying another rock. Angered, the paper scares them away and the three of them walk off into the sunset together as best of friends. The words ‘be together, not the same’ in the sky above them.

This animated advert proved to be such a crowd-pleaser thanks to its combination of adorable animation, simple and easy to follow premise and positively powerful message.

Here are some examples of praise it received on Twitter that night:

‘Is that Android commercial with the Rock Paper Scissors nominated for anything?’

‘Literally the cutest commercial ever @Android’

‘Best commercial during the Oscars ceremony goes to…Android!’

Key Learning Points

So, when thinking about your own animated advert, what inspirational message could you tell? And to ensure audiences engage, how could you tell it in as simple yet clever a way as possible? Remember always to keep it uplifting – a classic, nostalgic track can be helpful.