• Complete costume fittings as much as possible during prep or off-site to avoid people congregating during production. If fittings have to be done in person, then the wardrobe department can set up clothes and supervise fitting from a safe distance. If fittings can be done at home, they should be and relayed via video-call or photos.
  • Consider using existing/talent-owned wardrobe if possible.
  • Wardrobe department to supply clothing in clean plastic coverings plus separate clean plastic covers for the talent’s own clothes. Consider individual storage for costumes where they are limited to the individual wearing them.
  • Production discuss heat treatment/washing with wardrobe department as necessary.
  • Talent dress themselves wherever possible.
  • Use screened-off cubicles for cast to receive their costume and dress without assistance where possible. Sanitise and ventilate changing cubicles between use.
  • Avoid sharing equipment, for example maintaining a dedicated sewing machine for one user.
  • Where assistance is unavoidable and crew need to break social distancing (e.g.: for complex costumes that require fitting), you must wear face coverings, avoid face-to-face positioning during fittings where possible, remain within your team.
  • Limit the time spent in a hair and make-up chair whenever possible. Position hair and make-up stations to allow appropriate social distancing or use Perspex screens between stations.
  • Utilise disposable kit where possible. Kit should remain unique to each artist.
  • Follow appropriate barbicide, sterilisation and other disinfecting processes for all equipment after each application and immediate surfaces.
  • Ask performers to do own hair and make-up / touch-ups where appropriate. Request cast and supporting artists remove own make-up where possible.
  • If crew need to break social distancing, you must wear face coverings, limit face-to-face positioning where possible.
  • Provide sufficient space for departments to maintain two metres distance.

